This is still one of mom's favorites!
I'm still hunting a box for Friday's International Box Day. This one has stuff in it. I guess I'll keep looking.
Only 4 more days on the raffle for the NEW pet fountain. Proceeds will go to help raise funds to pay for my recent vet bills and any extra will be sent to other needy kitties on the CB. Thank you in advance for your support!
THose aer good LOL's
We seez dat youz is lookin' fur a box, too. Our momma is gonna have ta be sent ta da store ta find one fur uz cuz she doesn't think we gotz one big enought. Of course, we iz thinkin' 'bout a bag as an alternative.
Those are very good LOLs Praline!
Huffle Mawson
Haha! Praline, you make a good LOL cat! We love you in the file drawer too!
Love the LOLs!!!
Those are too funny!!
I love your LOLz, Praline-your face is very expressive. I'm still box-huntin', too.
LOL! Very funny! Keep looking for a box, Praline. We have to find a box too. We know we have a picture of Laila in a box.
Hi Praline! Our mom says its more expensive than other brands, but it seems to last longer than clay litter. You can buy a 17lb bag for 18.99. She found a 2.00 off coupon online and printed it out to use at Pet Smart. The 7lb bag is only 8.49 and lasts one month for one cat.
Praline, you are so cute no matter what you are doing!
Those are great, Praline! Hurry up and find a box!
Saw you over there sweet one. They are realy good. Mum and I aughed at your expressions.
Love GJ xx
We are still looking for a box big enough for us, Praline. Mom says that one that big may not exist! Gah!
Those are great ... made me LOL!
ha ha ha those are great! I wouldn't mess with you for sure.
I found a box for my international box day. Now I just have to make sure mommy posts it. Enjoy your box hunting!
Even fun!
We still have to give our $5 for raffle ^^
Jas & Gi
I loved those. They made me giggle quite a bit. Sweet Praline is such a diva! Perfect face for LOLS
Haha! Those pics have made my morning! Guess you are a serious office cat Praline.
Were you filed under "S" or "P"?
These are great LOLs Praline. They made us laugh.
awesome LOLs!!!
Yoo know, we hasnt had a box really in awhile so the mom is goin to recycle sum of our old ones fer Fridays event.
MOL, hahaha, I luvs da pics for your LOL Spot! I will goes to checks all of em out.
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