Pee ess: Many of you have asked about mom's tests and everything is basically normal. The doctors have told her to get some rest and to try to get rid of some of the stress in her life. She looked at me when the doctor told her that. I don't know why! (Could it be all of the recent vet visits?)
Anyway, mom is going to take a "staycation" this week and stay home with me!
Awww, I is glads you gettings some sun rays and to hears dat your momma is goings to takes a staycation wif you! I bets you and her will luvs havings some relaxings time togethers. *purrrrrrrrrrrs*
Your Mummy obviously needs to give you more strokes. Scientists say that's great for destressing. Always works for me, anyways!
In many ways, staycations are as good as vacations! Enjoy your Sunny Sunday, Praline!
Oooops... that was us! Mom's logged in. dur.
Gandalf and Grayson
I don't know why she'd be looking at you Praline. You are obviously the least stressful thing in her life.
Huffle Mawson
Hello sweet one. Glad your mum is ok. You cat be her stress, or could you. lol You enjoy the sun and enjy your mum being home with you..
Hugs GJ xx
Hi Sweet Praline. I am glad to hear your Mom is okay. Its scary when they aren't well! Vicki has 'staycations' with me occasionally and finds that lying on the lounge and devotedly patting me for the day/week fixes everything for her!
Oh wow a Staycation with Mom sounds super!!! We're glad she passed all her tests!
Cousin Trooper is having a house trashing party today, please stop by if you can.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow! A whole week with your mom, Praline! Lucky you! Maybe you can help her de-stress!
Actually, Praline, you likely help your mama with all her stress. Pets are supposed to help lower blood pressures and everything! She would likely be much more stressed if she didn't have you around -- although, I know she must worry about you when you're sick. That's natural.
Look out for yourself on the LOLSpot tomorrow morning -- bright and early!
Hi Praline,
Us kitteh are stress RELIEVERS not sress creators!! Anyways, enjoy your staycation with your Mommy. It is hot here too just to your east. I plan on napping on the porch to catch some rays myself!!
Oh how wonderful that you get to be home with your Mom for awhile! And I hope you get to stay in the sun.
Ah a staycation should help for sure!
Maybe you should just lay low, and give your poor Mom a break, Praline. Geesh!
I'm glad you mommy gets to stay home with you next week. That will be a good thing.
Good sunbathe! But I do not like sunshine =x
Glad that his mother will stay home with you!
Jas & Gi
A staycation sounds like a great idea! We hope your mommys stress goes down soon.
WE are very happy that your momma is ok.. it is amazing what the stresses can do to hoomans.. maybe your momma could try yoga.. but not laff and laff like my momma when she tries to do it hehe
It sounds like you both will have a wonderful weekend, show your momma how good it is just to sit back and catch some rays :)
We are glad your mum's test results were good. Maybe you can take the rays together. That should get her stress levels down.
I'm glad your mom's tests are good. A staycation sounds like a nice time for you to bond with your mom. My Mom stays home now and I like that she's here all the time with me.
That's our favorite word...staycation! YAY! Praline, do you realize how much your furs match the curtains in this picture?
I hope your Mom really rests on her staycation! Enjoy your time with her!
The vet caused the stress, not you. :)
Animals are good therapy for any stress illness!
I think a staycation will be good for you and your mom to both get well and stay well.
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