Paw Paw (my mom's dad) ALWAYS gives me treats when he comes over. However, this time, Mom was home and would you believe he stopped me after 5 treats?!? I jumped up beside him like I always do and when Mom walked in, he said, "NO."
I think I will put out a "kitty alert" for help. We must keep moms away when the grandbeans are visiting so we can get all the treats we want.
Now, if I can just figure out how to use this phone . . .
Oh Sweet Praline, this is outrageous and very unfair. Paw Paw could put his paw down on this matter as your Mum is his daughter and Paw Paws are usually in charge.
Looks like ur paw paw is remote rich!! One fer each handz!! Don't worry 'bout the treats, Sweet P. Paw Paw is just concerned 'bout ur keeping ur girlish figure. xxoo Bhu
Mmh, difficult situation. Did he give you some more when your mom left the room? You could consider creating a mess in an other room so she's busy and then indulge in Paw Paw's treat. Just suggesting... Siena
Apparently, your Paw Paw has not been informed. There is such a thing as the Grandparent's Prerogative. It trumps Mom. Every.Time! ::nodding heads smugly::
What they all said, Praline! Grandbeans are supposed to spoil us silly and then hand us over to our beans to deal with the aftermath (read: yak). It sounds as if your PawPaw needs a review of the Grandbeans Perogative, just like G&G said!
Moms need to learn the rules. No interference when Grandbeans are in the house. They need to keep themselves busy cleaning out litter boxes or fluffing up our cat beds.
Yup, grandbeans haf da right to spoil kitties as much as dey want...unless dey see yoo alla time. We wouldn't want yoo to get fat or sick or something.
Oh Praline, I don't know how anyone could say "no" to you! You are the Queen of South Carolina after all! Silly beans! How is Mommy Paula? I'm glad she enjoyed her game. Are you eating nicely for her? Billie and I are not liking the cold weather here. Lots of naps and snacking. :) Have a happy Monday! Hugs and Smoochies, Lorianna
haha I can see your Granddadda saying no and your cranky face with low ears.. you tell him Miss Praline!! hehe Are you sure you is trying to use the phone or is you grabbing your passport and skipping town? :P herhe
Zuzu: They not mean, Anna. They don't want Praline to get FATZES and SICKS!
Anna: Oh. (Pause.) May be then, I CAN HAS PRALINE'S TREATZES?
Zuzu: Sigh.
That's not fair!! Grandbeans should be allowed to give us lots of treats!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh Sweet Praline, this is outrageous and very unfair. Paw Paw could put his paw down on this matter as your Mum is his daughter and Paw Paws are usually in charge.
With sympathy
Whicky Wuudler
Way too mean grandbean! Don't listen to Praline's Mom!
Luf, Us
Looks like ur paw paw is remote rich!! One fer each handz!! Don't worry 'bout the treats, Sweet P. Paw Paw is just concerned 'bout ur keeping ur girlish figure. xxoo Bhu
Paw Paws can do whatever they want when it comes to the grandkids! Doesn't your mom know that?
Mmh, difficult situation. Did he give you some more when your mom left the room? You could consider creating a mess in an other room so she's busy and then indulge in Paw Paw's treat. Just suggesting...
Apparently, your Paw Paw has not been informed. There is such a thing as the Grandparent's Prerogative. It trumps Mom. Every.Time! ::nodding heads smugly::
Grandbeans are supposed to spoil us. We will have to let him know that!!
What they all said, Praline! Grandbeans are supposed to spoil us silly and then hand us over to our beans to deal with the aftermath (read: yak). It sounds as if your PawPaw needs a review of the Grandbeans Perogative, just like G&G said!
Moms need to learn the rules. No interference when Grandbeans are in the house. They need to keep themselves busy cleaning out litter boxes or fluffing up our cat beds.
Yup, grandbeans haf da right to spoil kitties as much as dey want...unless dey see yoo alla time. We wouldn't want yoo to get fat or sick or something.
You are so right. Grandbeans are supposed to spoil their grandkitties!
~The Creek Cats~
Praline, we is here fer ya! Perhaps a bitey to mom's foot and a wee on her pillow will remind her dat YOO deserves dem treats??
hehe, Praline! You have a furry sweet Grandpa! Yay fur spoiling kitties!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Paw Paw is not being nice to you! You deserve as many treats as you want. Paw Paw is suppose to spoil his grand-cat....
Oh Praline, I don't know how anyone could say "no" to you! You are the Queen of South Carolina after all! Silly beans!
How is Mommy Paula? I'm glad she enjoyed her game. Are you eating nicely for her?
Billie and I are not liking the cold weather here. Lots of naps and snacking. :)
Have a happy Monday!
Hugs and Smoochies,
I can't believe your Paw Paw said no :-0 That's awful. Poor Praline :(
Only five treats?! That is just mean.
I think Paw Paw must be under your Mom's paw! Wait a minute, isn't that the wrong way round?!
If it's any consolation, I’ve given you an award:) xxx
haha I can see your Granddadda saying no and your cranky face with low ears.. you tell him Miss Praline!! hehe
Are you sure you is trying to use the phone or is you grabbing your passport and skipping town? :P herhe
yey Praline call meeeee now pulease!! mai phone number is...oh wait me has no phonez!!!
Hope you mom didn't stay in the same room for too long of a time because then you could get more treats from paw paw.
Mom's are such killjoys!!!
Tell your Grandad to sneak them to ya ;)
Purrs Mickey
That is terrible! Grandbeans are suppose to spoil us kitties!
Ah, geez, Mom! ;o)
My gran can give me anything she like, however many she likes and SS never dares to breathe a word. Get the grandparents to train your mom. Way to go!
I think we need some kind of bat signal!
Only 5????? No fair!
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