
Snow in the South

Well, all of my furriends from the north and midwest did it to us - you sent the white stuff down South.  It started snowing around 4:30 pm and was still snowing at midnight.

This is the front of my house at the beginning of the snow.

Mom let me go outside to check out this white stuff that many of my furriends have been talking about.

What is this white stuff?

I've had enough.  I'm going back inside where it's warm.

Here are my paw prints and my mom's footprints.  This was when there was only 1 inch of snow on the ground.

At midnight, here's what we found outside.  6-7 inches of snow!!!

This is where I spent the rest of the night.

I almost forgot - here is a picture of Mom Paula playing the role of a snow bunny!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'll probably get blamed fur this one TOO!

I'm glad woo at least tried to play in it!

PeeEssWoo: Nice Snow Bunny Mommy!

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Luverly photos, even if it is cooollllddd!

Now u know what dat stuffoms iz!
It weerd and cold and good to stay in and keeps warm!

Take care and drive carefully...

Katie Kat and Katie Too.

Misha said...

Brrrrr! We don't get that white stuff where we live.

Teddy Westlife said...

It looks pretty but I think I'd be inside with you Praline!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Miss Praline, just when we think we've seen every single cute thing there is about you, we see something new... look at those FOOTPRINTS!!! *swoon*

momsbusy said...

we started getting snow at 3:20 yesterday afternoon. there was never any rain like the guy on tv said. everything is all white this morning and it is too cold for us to be sticking our heads outside. moms said we only get snow in the midlands every squillion blue moons and almost always in february.

we hope cocky has a heated bird house.

Angel Simba said...

Goodness gracious! That is a lot of snow for your neck of the woods! I heard there was even snow in Dallas and in Pensacola, FL.

Love the pawprints!

Brian's Home Blog said...

The fireplace is a great choice! We got 3 inches of snow in the Upstate...you're the winner!

Jasmim said...

looks so cold! stay warm!

The Island Cats said...

OMC! You got as much snow as we have here up north!! Stay warm, Praline...in front of that fireplace looks very cozy!

The Florida Furkids said...

Wow you got a lot of snow!! How did it feel? We think you were smart to go back inside in front of the fireplace. Mom Paula doesn't look happy about being a snow bunny!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Marg said...

You got more than we did in Anderson. It is fun to watch the animals playing in the snow. And it is really pretty.

Raymond and Busby said...

Crazy weather! When our Mom was little, if someone said "there's snow down south" it meant that your slip was showing from under the hem of your skirt!

Stay by that fireplace Praline! xoxo

Arte dos Gatos said...

Snow is very beautiful! I want see snow someday!
Hugs from warm Brasil, but in my city, also make cold in winter, but unhappy, dont't have snow :(

Anonymous said...

Stay warm and cosy ~ snow is very COLD! Yoor Mom Paula looks really nice!

Milo and Alfie xx

One Cats Nip said...

OMC! Look at all that white stuff. Would you mind sharing your fireplace with me Praline, I don't have one.

Anonymous said...

Now you know what it's like up here in the North! We love your little footprints!

Jacqueline said...

It snowed here in Louisiana too!...Love the pictures of you and Mom Paula in the snow; Praline, your snow paw prints are very cute!!...Stay warm!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think you are very smart to get comfy inside by the fire Praline. That snow can make your little toes cold. I do not like it. But Momma wants some...

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

OMC!!! Didn't realize you ended up getting so much! And what a brave little girl you are to venture out in it! WOWZA!!!

Pattyskypants said...

Mai goodness! U gotz more snow than we did! Stay warm by the fire! Ur mom looks really cute as a snow bunny! xxoo Bhu

Baby Patches said...

OMC! We just luvs to sees your paw prints in da snows Praline and glad you stayed warm by da fire. I hopes you don't gets snowed in.


Anonymous said...

It turned into a blizzard, Praline! Maybe your Mom will go out and build you a snowcat, and you can watch her from inside!

Kat_RN said...

Smart Kitty,
Inside infront of the fire is the best place to be. Is your snow gone yet? Most of ours is.

Anonymous said...

So you have been training for the winter Olympics too?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We think you should stay in front of the fire until yhe snow goes away.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Snow in your area is almost as rare as it is in ours. Thanks for sharing your snow prints!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, you have the same neat hearth that we do! But yours has a warm fire in it... We are jealous.

Quill and Greyson said...

Wow! That is alot of flakes!

Jans Funny Farm said...

You got more snow than we did. Ours melted yesterday, thankfully.