

I interrupt my normal programming of "Floofy Friday" to show you my entries in two of the events of the Cat-O-Lympics.  The Cats in Maryland are hosting the "High Jump Competition."  Everyone knows that we Persian/Himmies have short little legs and we are not known for jumping.  However, the picture below that was submitted for the competition, shows my great form in jumping out of a box.  Such grace, such beauty, such height for a ladycat Persian.  I think I have the artistic category in the bag, I mean, the box!  MOL

I know we can't submit any Photoshopped pictures, but I had to share the picture that Mom Kim of AnnaZu did with this picture.  See, I can even compete with the horses!

My friend, Huffle, is hosting the "Competitive Napping" competition.  Mom says there are so many pictures of me napping, but we went way back to my Baby Praline (Pralinette) days to submit our favorite napping picture.  This take some great athletic ability to be able to sleep upside down with a half twist on the back of the couch!

And, if you want a picture of a full grown ladycat napping in her favorite position, it's included below.  Notice the sunbeams hitting the floofy belly just right!

What do you think?  Do I have a chance of winning the gold?


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We think you do have a chance for gold! In both categories!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think you could win gold in both sports! You are very good!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That was a graceful jump, Sweet Praline! It sure ought to be worth some medal at least.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I khould help woo work on the jumping thing!

Your napping skills are khwite pawesome!

Floofy Bellehs Rokhk!


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Huffle can close the contest now, the baby Praline photo? Gold. Pure gold. (sorry Inigo, I know you entered, but seriously, look at her. It's Praline. BABY Praline.)


Kas said...

Ta for making me laugh!!!

Teddy Westlife said...

I just don't know how I'm going to judge the napping competition, there are so many high quality entries!

Jacqueline said...

Great photos Praline, really adorable; we think your entries are golden...Love the napping shots (you are so cute sleeping=that belly is the best!) and your agility and fine form in the high jump is very impressive...Good luck...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Anonymous said...

Fabulous photos, worthy of GOLD. Good luck!

Milo and Alfie xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Excellent entries indeed Sweet Praline!!! Hey, have a nice warm weekend...finally!

The Florida Furkids said...

Pawsome entries! You have great form in that High Jump photo and are a paw-in for the napping!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

Wow, Praline! You are definitely in contention!! Great entries!

Daisy said...

You could go all the way, Praline!

Vicki said...

You are definitely a strong medal contender!!!

The Monkeys said...

You're such a great catthlete, Praline!

I'm in the high jump too. Tortie power!


The Kitty Krew said...

Oh goodness, Praline, those are fabulous entries. We're sure glad not to be the judges in those events!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Marg said...

Those are the best entries I have seen. We especially like the jump out of the box. That is a super picture. And the picture of Praline jumping with the horse is my Mom's favorite of all times. She used to teach people to do that jumping in horse shows. And the nap is just unreal. All gold medals. Thanks for a wonderful smile this morning.

One Cats Nip said...

PRALINETTE!!! *faints*

Raymond and Busby said...

We think you have a wonderful chance at winning a medal or two, Miss Praline. That Pralinette photo is pure gold!

Anonymous said...

The baby Praline photo is a winner!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You show great style in the high jump, and your napping is so good that you must be way up there on the leaderboard.

Misha said...

Oh, dear. Mummy thonked her head when she passed out from the Pralinette cute!

Anonymous said...

We'd be shocked if you didn't win! In fact, we're so sure that you'll win, Crikey will lick a dog if you don't! ~Tristan

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Gold fur sure!

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

What purrfect form in da jumping!!!

and creativity gets a 10 from us in da napping!

Katie Too

the_cat_family said...

The jump is GOLD for sure! Wow, such grace, impeccable form!
The napping, both are amazing, I like better the grown up one... both are podium material!
Good Luck Praline!
Happy Cat Family

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

You just may be the greatest catholete of all time Praline! Especially those high jumps!

Cindy said...

I think you'll win in all categories, especially the jumping. I, Rosie the Persian, know for a fact how hard it is to jump, so I'll give you the gold on that one.

Anonymous said...

Great jumping and very impressing napping.