Sweet Praline has one of the loveliest homes in the village of Fursville, as befitting her position in the community. She had just made a fresh pot of blackberry tea, and some nip-biscuits, when she has a text message from Bhu telling her he would be delayed for their visit. Apparently, the Sheriff had contacted him; a client was in jail, and needed immediate counsel.
Praline was not concerned. For you see, Melvin had stopped by unexpectedly. Praline has a special spot in her heart for dear little Melvin and likes to smother him with motherly advice and love. You see, Sweet Praline was not able to have little kitties of her own, which has always a sadness that she hides away where no one could see.
So the two lounged in the summer sunshine on Praline's front lawn, and she took the opportunity to give some "counsel" herself. Advising and teaching "little Mouchois" on all the peccadilloes of Fursville society, and how he must learn and grow to be a proper mancat.

Goma was bringing a bottle of expensive nip champagne, and wearing his best tie. Romeo had his box of chocolates, his hope renewed. Only he knew that inside the box were "caramel pralines," her favorite. Caramel pralines are the only thing Romeo knew were sweeter than Miss Praline. And Jasper brought a very special sunflower, grown in his own garden -- special with it's heart-shaped leaves; and of course, he brought Kong, something the two of them had enjoyed playing with together on past dates. The three were anticipating good things, good times.

Meanwhile, Maggy, having a bit of a hissy-fit over all the attention going toward Praline... decided to take up the town's "daring devil dog" on a country ride, and a lakeside picnic. It had been an invitation impossible to turn down... for she did have great affection for Khyra... and he even brought helmets, how considerate. She held tight to him as they rode off out of town...
Oh my! How is this going to work out? Will everyone ever find true love?
OH!!! It's getting really good now... but I have to say Miss Praline, perhaps a cuddle from a young Maine Coon may help you in your deciding on a suitor... *innocent eyes*
Born to be wild.......
We are wringing our paws waiting fur the next installment.
That motorcycle looks fun!
We're on the edge of our chair waiting for the next episode. Khyra is a Kool biker!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We're excited for the next episode!!!
The suspense is killing us!!!
Praline, whatever will you do? Maggy, you are right to go have a good time and not wait for those silly mancats!
This is so exciting...I'm pacing the floor with anticipation!
Oh I can't wait to see what happens next ...
--Jasper McKitten-Cat
Hahaha! We knew the call for Bhu was going to be a ploy. But all 3 of the other boys came calling *together*?! Wow....
Nice special appearance by Khyra, that was a total surprise!
Ohhhh, this is so fun. Mommmmmmmyyyyy! We need more popcorn, and some tuna too!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Pass the popcorn! We're enjoying the suspense.
ohhhh, its getting really good now that melvin has joined the cast!
It's starting to get nice and joosie! Praline, that's so sweet of you to take little Melvin under your paws. He is so precious!
Ooooo, the plot is really starting to thicken. We have a sneaky suspicion you're going to end up with Melvin!!! Looking forward to tomorrow's episode!!!
BTW...we have an award for you! :o)
We are so hooked ! We can't wait for tomorrow!
LOving it.. Oscars in the offing I think..
Hugs GJ xx
Why Miss Praline, I do declare! My you have no shortage of admirers! :) I hope there isn't a fight over you. Your house and yard is so pretty!
This is such a cute idea and I love how all of the Kittymoms have put it together. I look forward to more episodes. You really cheered me up today. I'm in another flare with a slight fever and all hurty, even a touch of pink eye! I will rest and enjoy visiting my bloggie friends.
Big Hugs,
Oh Praline, you're a lady cat !
Oh Praline, who ever will you choose? I can't wait to find out!!
Da tension mounts...Khyra is kwite da rebel! We can't wait fur tomoroos episode.
Oh, that pic of Maggy & Khyra is priceless.
Praline sure has a lot of admirers.
Praline, angel... I do not wish to upset your furs, to make you jealous or such... but did you know that Bhu and I plan to meet tonight, behind that old barn on the outskirts of town: whoopee time my dear...
And Romeo, well I just asked him to come rub my furs, he was napping again, but I think I saw him nod his head in agreement...
Wow, that "little Miss" had a lot of suitors.
Love the "closing" shot where they're riding off on the hog!
Wow! Look at that! I can't believe this isn't posting to my reader! How will I ever recall all that went on if I miss a post?!
I missed this the first time around and it is so much fun!
We are on the edge of our seats=how could gorgeous Praline pick between so many handsome mancats????...UMMM, there are 7 days in a week, you know :)!!MOL (great Rumbles comment!!hehe)...We are loving this awesome series!!...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
PS...Khyra and Maggy are too cool=perfect Khyra comment too :)
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