
I Can Has Facebook Page

It's about time!  My mom finally helped me set up a Facebook page all my own.  She said that I won't be updating on it regularly because of the fact that I insist that she help me post every day to the CB.  The first thing I did was to post an album of my baby Praline pictures.  You can visit my FB page by clicking here

Mom, you sure do have a lot of stuff up here on my desk.  You need to clean it up a little if I am going to be maintaining both a FB and CB page.

Aw, Mom!  Do you have to interrupt me while I'm surfing on FB?  I don't care if your back rubs do feel good, I have a lot to do now.  What do you mean you have work to do for the office?  Don't you go there everyday?  Nighttime is my time!

Did I hear a Temptations bag?  I'm out of here!

Pee ess:  Happy Birthday to my mom's only sister, Dorenda!  We love you!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Birthday to your Aunt! And now I shall have to go see your page!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Birthday to yoor aunt...mom useta baby sit a girl named Dorinda. We'z gonna go send yoo a frend rekwest on FB now thru mom's page because she is to lazy to get us our own!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That sounds SO great. Unfortunately, we are not allowed ta Facebook...

Kas said...

Hi Praline, good luck with the facebook page, Spider and Smudge are keen to see your baby photies!!!

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

Congrats on your facebook page. Don't let your biped get addicted to any of the games.

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Please tell your Auntie we wish her the happiest of birthday, Sweet Praline! As for your Facebook page, we will have to stop by and check it out just as soon as we get a chance!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Cool! I don't have a Facebook profile, Praline but I do have a fan page - please join!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We're so happy to see you on Facebook my bootiful friend!!! Now we get to see more of your baby pics!!! *drool*

Sónia Mendes said...

Hi Praliné,

I was a fan of your page already and now my mum sent you a friend request too.

I have my FB page too, come check it out here.

Purrs from Gotchi

The Florida Furkids said...

We're happy to be your Facebook friends, even if we have to share our Mom's page. We're going to pester her even more for our own page.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

pee ess - we loved the Baby Praline pics!

Kea said...

Happy birthday to your mom's sister! We hope she has a fantastic day!

Congrats on your Facebook page! Our human doesn't do FB or Twitter, she says trying to keep up with the CB is enough. LOL.

Marg said...

We are rushing right over to see your page on Facebook. We have a page too. It is tons of fun. Happy Birthday to Mom's sister.
Hope you have a great day.

The Monkeys said...

We have sent you a request, Praline!

Happy Birthday to Dorenda!

The Creek Cats said...

Concats on your very own facebook page, Praline! I think you and our mom are furiends!

The Island Cats said...

We'll hafta go like your page, Praline!! We have a page too...most times we just post our same blog pictures. Blogging is still #1 with us!!

Daisy said...

I hope you have fun on Facebook! If you haven't already, you can fix it so your blog posts automatically get published to Facebook, too.

Daisy said...

Oh, never mind, I see you already figured out the Networked Blogs application. Way to go!

Teddy Westlife said...

You are such a social network butterfly!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Happy Birthday to your Auntie!

Our mum has requested to be your friend on facebook. This is all very exciting.

Anonymous said...

We is on our way to check out your facebook page, Miss Praline + ♫Happy Purr-thday♫ to your auntie.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Sweet Praline - you're going to be very busy with your Facebook posts and the C. B. too - make sure you have time for the odd snooze.

Angel Simba said...

That is pretty exciting! What age/birthdate did your Mom say you were to set it up, because I wanted to do one it said I was not old enough! But I really would like to have a Facebook page too!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DORINDA!!! What a great name!!!

We are finally back on the internet!!

Hmmm...you got a facebook page??? MOMMYYYYYYY!!! We want one too! MOL

Missed you!!


Elizabeth and Connor said...

We share Facebook with mama, because she's too busy to do a separate one. We'll friend you directly!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

We found you on FB! We hope your mom has more time to help you than ours does with us!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

You definitely are a sweetie, Sweet Praline!!!!

Happy Birthday to your aunt.

We'll be checking you out on FB!!!!!


Brian's Home Blog said...

With a sweet face like yours, Facebook is a natural!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

We are Not Allowed to do FB. Something about a big black hole of time sucking...

Happy Bithday Auntie Dorinda!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Yur puter desk looks full of stuff jus like owrs. Glad to see yoo on FB. Happy Birfday to yur Aunt Dorenda. Dat's kinda like owr mom's name cept it is BRenda! Cool. Gives her some hugs and kissies for her birfday.

Jacqueline said...

Happy Birthday Dorenda!...Congratulations on your FB page; we need to do that too!...Happy day sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Remington said...

COOL! I have a Facebook page and a Facebook Fan page! See you there!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday to your aunt. So you have your own page on FB now. We'll have to check it out.

Cory said...

Concats on your FB page Praline!