
Thursday Hidey Hole

Hmmmmm!  Here's a good place!  It's low to the ground and Mom will never find me under here!

Almost completely under the dresser.  I better hurry before Mom finds me.  I hear her coming down the hall!

Rats!  She discovered my hiding place again!  This was such a good place, too!  Where oh where can I hide next?

Pee ess - Sorry I didn't get to visit yesterday.  My grandma and grandpa bean had a car wreck and totaled their car, so my mom was with them all day.  They are okay, but the car is a mess.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


We are sorry about your gradma and grandpa bean -

BUT we are relieved to see they are okay -

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

OH NO!! We send purrs to your Grandma and Grandpa...

How do you DO that??? That looks like the bestest hidey place ever!!

curator said...

Oh my gosh!! That must have been a good car if they were ok even though the car was totaled! I am so glad they are not hurt. (They aren't, right?)
And...love that pic of you squeezing out from under the furniture!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Sorry to hear about the accident. At least they are unharmed, that's the most important.

Hidey holes in the house are sooo hard to find. The garden? That's a different story. Don't suppose you go outside though?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh no! We are sorry to hear about your Grandma and Grandpa! I love hiding under the dresser like that too--and then Momma got one that went all the way to the ground and I do not like that!

Kas said...

Great hidey place and am glad your grandparents are ok.

Elin said...

Purrrs to your grandbean.. Hey, that is a perfect hidey hole! :D

Misha said...

You must really be all floof to be able to fit under that teeny tiny space!

Parker said...

Yikes! I am glad they are OK!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad that your Grandma and Grandpa are all right after their motor accident.
That is a very small space to squeeze under. I don't think I would get under there, and Eric wouldn't even get his head under.

The Creek Cats said...

We are so relieved to hear your Grandma and Grandpa are ok after the accident!!

Anonymous said...

OMC! We are so sorry to hear about your Grand'Beans. Happy to hear they're ok though. Must've been furry scary. And sorry THIS hidey spot was found to. As Jason and grant from Ghost Hunter's say at the end of each investigation..."On to the next".

Marg said...

Gosh we are so glad you didn't get stuck under that furniture. Please be careful in your hiding but this is fun seeing all your hiding places. You almost won that round.
Sorry about your grand beans. Sure glad to hear that they are all right but sad to hear that their car is all totaled. Go find another place Praline

The Island Cats said...

Praline, I like to hide under the dresser too!

We are happy your grandma and grampa are okay!


Anonymous said...

Gracie is still small enough to utilize every nook and cranny, Praline. Sometimes, Mom can't find her at all!

Poor Whitey is so big, there are barely any spots for him to hide.

Daisy said...

I'm glad your grandma and grandpa are okay!

Praline, I never would have guessed you would fit in that tiny space! Too bad you were discovered again.

Kea said...

Praline, my first thought was "OMG!!!!" regarding your grandparents' car wreck. I'm glad they are okay! Cars can be replaced, but of course Beings can't be. What a terrible experience.

As for your hidey hole, that was a really good one! We're all impressed here that you could get under that...and then get out again. MOL!

Angel Simba said...

I am so glad your grandfolks are okay, but I am sure it was very frightening for them. Give them some long purrs.

You do like hiding a lot, don't you? Seems like it gives you loads of fun, and your Mom too in finding you.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad your grandma and grandpa bean are okay. How scary for them an d for your Mom.

How did you smoosh yourself down so far to get under that dresser?

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Monkeys said...

We're glad your Grandma and Grandpa are okay! You and your Mom must have been so worried!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm glad everyone is okay too! Hey, that is quite a hidey hole!

Country Cats said...

Glad to hear your beans are ok. That was a good hidey spot; why do mommas have to ruin everything?

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

So sorry that your grandparents were in a crash.. So happy they are ok.. You can replace a car but you cant replace grandparents.. Sending them purrs. HUgs GJ xx

Good hidey place. x

Margaret said...

Praline, you have so many nice hiding places! I still like my paper bag in the kitchen. Dad has to stand it on the side so I can fit now. Oh, dear. I see your string. Are you home-schooled?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are glad gradma and grandpa are OK! Cars can be replaced.

You have lots of hidey places!

L. Alida said...

Oh Mommy Paula, I'm so sorry! I'm so thankful that they are all right! You must have been so very worried.
Cars can be replaced, loved ones can't. ((((hugs)))
Praline, how did you get under there? How do cats do that?
I loved your St. Patrick's Day card. Irish music reminds me of my Grandfather.
Lots of Hugs,

Jacqueline said...

We're so glad your Mom's parents are alright; sorry about their car though...Praline, what's with the sudden desire to hide from Mom??...You thinking about being naughty and need an escape hideout??...That dresser sure seemed like a good one...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Anonymous said...

We're so glad that your grandparents are OK! Slinking under the dresser is more proof that kitties don't have bones, or so mama says!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Oh, dear, we're sad to hear that your grandbeans had a car wreck, but we are happy to hear that they weren't hurt.

Secret hidey-hole places are difficult to find.....mama usually finds Andy's, too

Cat said...

That was an excellent hidey hole....I would give you perfect points for that one, especially for your technique for crawling into it...I don't think I could ever squash down so much!!

I hope your superbeans are ok...really too bad about their car, but better that the car got the damage and not the super(grand)beans.

You be careful with your hidey-hole hunting...it could be dangerous, too!!

xxxLautrec (and Tiny)

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh that is terrible about yuor grandma and grandpa! But we are so glad they are ok - it is too bad about the car though. We are sending over some purrs for them!

And that is a great spot to hide in - it is impressive you were able to get under there - we wouldn't have even tried it!

Remington said...

WOW that is a good hiding place -- how do you get under there!?!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, yo get inta really tight places like I do! Isnt it fun?

Kitty McCormack said...

Oh Praline! What a fantastic hiding place! *takes note: use space under the cupboards and draws* Thank you, hehe. xxx

Anonymous said...

Great hidey spot, Praline! We're so sorry to hear about your grandbeans:( We're glad that they're okay.

Peggy's Place said...

Hi Sweetee,
Just FYI, the Pet Food Direct free
shipping is for "up to 50 pounds".
Sigh..... it's true, nothing is free.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Mom really got a kick out of these pictures as Cerise use to do the same thing. You little girls sure can squeeze into the smallest places.

We are very thankful your mom's mom and dad are okay! They can always get another car, but your mom can't get more parents.
