This beautiful blue item is very functional for the beans, but I think it's great for us kitties. It's an aromatherapy heat/cold pack. It's loaded with natural herbs (mom says it smells funny). The beans can either put it in the freezer and use it as an ice pack or heat it in the microwave for a heating pad. My mom keeps the packs in the freezer and unfortunately, she has been using them a lot lately.
After all of the sniffing and digging I decided to lie down on it and take a snooze. This herbal pack is great for kitties because it smells good (like catnap) and it's cool to lie down on. Mom just thinks she is getting this back for her hurty shoulder. It's mine now!
Just in case you're curious, here are the ingredients in the pack:
- Cinnamon - Antispasomodic, bronchitis, fever,warming stimulant, carminative,antiseptic.
- Camomile - Relaxation, breathing, burns, anti inflammatory, nervine.
- Lemongrass- Nerve pain, headaches, cold sores, antibacterial, antioxidant, reduce fever, anti-rheumatic.
- White willow – arthritis, toothaches, muscle pain, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, reduces fever, anti-rheumatic, astringent.
- Peppermint – relieves flu symptoms and its pain, carminative, relieves muscle spasms, increases sweating, stimulates secretion of bile, antiseptic.
- Yarrow – Promotes healing, antispasmodic, astringent, bitter tonic, increases sweating, lowers blood pressure, reduces fever, mild diuretic and urinary antiseptic.
- Rosemary – Relieves headaches, tonic, stimulant, astringent, nervine, anti-inflammatory, carminative.
- Yellow dock roots – Improves circulation, strengthens, cleanses & tones the entire body, excellent for boils, ulcers, wounds, and cleansing the blood.
- Spearmint – Relaxation, valuable herb for stopping vomiting during pregnancy. It is gentle enough to use for colic in babies, while aiding in curing colds, flu, and gas.
- Valerian – Calming, sedative, relieves muscle spasm, lowers blood pressure.
- Lavender- Atthritis, stress, circulation.
OK . . .All of my smart kitties out there, doesn't this sound like the purrfect catnip kitty cool pack???
Don't some cats react to valerian? I thought I read that somewhere.. but I could be wrong. I am not much interested in any of the herbal packs the woman has around here...
That is a very neat pack. Mom could not use it cause she is allergic to some of the ingredients
I wonder if it's the mint you love. Our supreme being guardian angel cat who came before all others, Morgan, loved mint and would even steal peppermint gum out of purses!
Look at you, the beautiful princess and her nice-smelling pillow... you are a vision of loveliness :)
it'll be the valerian that's getting you going! It has the same effect as catnip. Valerian root is in those famous Plague Rat cat toys.
it may be mint, as catnip is part of the mint family, and of course valerian root is in the plague rats!
So it's FUN and healthy - wot a combination!
We think it's the valerian that's attracting you, Praline! Our plague ratsie has both catnip and valerian in it...cats are suppose to be attracted to both!
OMC - Sniffie loves to play with Mom's herbal pack too. Mom has one that's good for helping you sleep and Sniffie loves to whap it and bunny kick it.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I believe it's the valerian that gets you going.
Huffle Mawson
Wow, there's a lot of stuff in that pack! Our beans have one too and Skeeter likes it a little too much too. Their's is only for the microwave. And it's really funny, that after it heats up, it comes out and smells like CORN! They named it Cornholio. We know...they're weird!
King & Pandora
that sounds like a nice pack. my mom has one that she can make hot or cold but it doesn't have any herbs in hers it is probably good though because she is allergic to lavendar and peppermint. i am glad that i guessed right yesterday :)
That sounds very aromatic and intoxicating! I bet that is a great place for a good nap. HOpe your mom is feeling ok. And sorry we have not been around. Still have secretary issues with my mom!
Gosh Praline, that is a neat cool pack! Our Momma wishes she had something like that when she had her shoulder surgery a few years ago! It would have complimented the pain killers very well ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I'll definitely have to get mommy to invest in one of those . . . for me, of course. A kitty can never have to much herb!
The lavender...I love the smell. Those herbs altogether sound wonderful.
Yup, it's probably the Valerian. Catnip doesn't affect me, but I love the plague ratsie with Valerian in it. The peppermint and spearmint probably attracts you too.
Now we know what we are gonna get our Mom for Christmas!
It looks like a tiny little raft to float in a pool!
You are a very smart kitty!
Oh that is full of wonderful herbss Praline! No wonder you like it too. Spearmint; that's what I was thinking of for my queasy tummy! Maybe just smelling it would help. I would love a pack or two like that. I would use it on my hip first, then my hands, then... Well, pretty much every joint! I bet Miss Billie would love it too. She has a sensitive sense of smell. Praline, you look so perky with that pack!
I hope Mommy Paula will start to feel better. I feel so bad for her. I'm glad she gets vacation soon.
lots of Healing Hugs!
Miss Billie and Lorianna
Whatever the herbs are they are obviously something that you like. I hope they do your mum some good..
Hugs GJ xx
that is a very good thing!
Hmm. I may have to look in on this for some aromatherapy kitty toys!
You may just be on to something, Praline!
Yay! Our hooman has the eye version of that pac. We loves spearmint and lavender. She has some lotions that smell like that too and when theys on we are up on her lap smelling and trying to lick hands!
A big one would be nice to nap on! Enjoy!
Anything that gets you cool and stoned has to be good right? Hope your Mom doesn't need it soon and she gives it to you.
We were waaaaay off base!
Well, there you go, it's probably the mint and the valerian that are attracting you so much, Praline! Mint is a relative of catnip, and valerian is also used in cattoys for its pleasurable effects.
Pretty darn cool, fur sure!
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