
Happy NOMS Day!

I don't have too many friends that aren't kitties, but I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce three of my woofie friends and human relatives who are all definitely Not of My Species!

This is Baxter. He belongs to my Mom's nephew, Russell (remember the 12 year-old boy that was holding me and showing my floofy belly) who is a big Clemson fan. He insisted on bringing Baxter down to one of the South Carolina Tailgate parties and he was the hit with all of the Gamecocks. We forgave him for wearing all of that orange. Baxter is a Shih Poo, just like Bandit.
This is Foster, (Australian Shepherd) and Sidney, (a Minature Australian Shepherd) and they belong to my Mom's sister, the doctor! Foster is very friendly and likes to "herd" everyone when they go for walks. Sidney came to live with my human aunt last summer. Sidney has two different colored eyes and is very smart and cute.

This is Bandit and Nannay. You met Bandit a few weeks ago when he came to visit me. He is a Shih Poo (half Shih Tzu and half Poodle) and came to live with my human grandmother in May. He is in his "wild" puppy stage and is wearing out my human grandmother, who we all call Nannay. Nannay makes my mom cover over every day to play with Bandit, so he will go to sleep. This is starting to cramp some of our time together, but he's pretty cute for a woofie.

Of course, I had to put a picture of my Mom and me. Mom is definitely not of my same species, but she is the best different animal to me! My Mom is truly a nice, Southern Lady who says me must be tolerant of those that are different from us and love everyone for who or what they are. I, on the other hand, being a cat, prefer the company of Mom and ME! I guess I need some politically correct training!


The Cat Realm said...

Happy Noms Day Praline!
What a wonderful Noms Day Post, we enjoyed it very much. And you have so many sweet dog friends! We never met a dog, we only have Coyotes out here and they do not want to be our friends, we have to run away from them!!!
Thank you for participating in Noms Day!
Mrs. OZ, and Tintin, Karl is still on safari, making more noms friends...

Motor Home Cats said...

You have some great NOMS friends. We will have our post up soon too.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Cat Street Boyz said...

Praline it was nice meeting all you NOMS furends and family! A big "Hi" to your mommy...we can tell she really loves you=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

This is very good and sweet one~!
Noms friends are always important to us!

Anonymous said...

We agree, Praline, Mom is our favorite Noms, too!

Parker said...

This is great Praline! Your woofies all look very nice.
Your Mommy is beautiful!

Teddy Westlife said...

You don't need to be politically correct Praline! My best friend is a Siberian Husky.

Huffle Mawson

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are having a NOMS Party, everyone is invited. We hope you can come Praline, bring any friends you would like.

We are hoping to have a mini Australian Shepherd or a Sheltie one day if our yard ever gets fenced. We loved meeting your doggie friends.

We think Moms of any species are probably the best. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

The Meezers or Billy said...

those is all good NOMS!!!!

Lux said...

Thank you for introducing us to your NOMS friends! I love that picture of you & your mom!

Artsy Catsy said...

Praline, that is such a beautiful picture of you and your lovely mom! Happy NOMS Day to you, and thank you so much for your purrs & purrayers for my Grandpa Bob.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Miss Praline, it was so nice to meet some of your NOMS friends, especially your mom.

We're glad you accept your woofie relatives but sorry you wouldn't live with a woofie. We make nice friends. And we're great at house trashing parties when kitties get upset over being left home alone by their humans. Buddy loves to "dust" ceiling fans and chandeleirs. Merci likes to hide the silverware throughout the house and Samaritan enthusiastically helps empty the fridge.

So you might want to reconsider.

Buddy, Merci & Samaritan

PB 'n J said...

Happy NOMS Day! Those are all great NOMS friends!

Chrissie said...

Happy NOMS Day, Praline! Thanks for introducin' us to all your woofie friends..we have a woofie that lives in the Big House that likes to herd everybody, too!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We just wanted to stop by and say “Hi”! Mommy finally got home so we can blog again!


Daisy said...

Happy NOMS Day! It is very fun to be friends with cats and dogs and hamsters and bunnies and goats!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You have a great mom and I sure do like your doggie friends!

Unknown said...

OMG your last picture, your eyes are so huge!! just like full moonz!! I know dogs can be annoying but you did such a good job meeting them!! so prud of you mai friend!! your mommy is purrity!!

L. Alida said...

Hi Praline and happy NOMS day! Your woofie friends are very cute! You and your Mom are just so pretty together! :)
Oh, I loved your belly rub video! Billie likes chin "scritchers" Her tummy is ticklish! Toeshee likes his little kitten belly rubbed. :)
How is Mommy feeling? Is the sinus infection going away? I have been very sore lately and have some computer issues so my blogging is a bit sporadic. I am trying hard to play catch up with as many as I can! :)
Sending Hugs your way,
Lorianna and Miss Billie

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow! you have great NOMS friends! they are good looking and nice looking woofies, but i think i like them better on the computer than in my house. i'm kinda scared of woofies.

jenianddean said...

Great NOMS ... I almost forgot about NOMS so my NOMS post was briefer than it should have been. It was nice to be introduced to all those other friends...

Anonymous said...

Ha! I am with you Praline. I must have me and my girl time. Sometimes though, I stray and let the mom pet me too. Shhhhhh dont tell my girl that.

~ Molly ~

Milton said...

Mombeans are the besterest NOMS ever!! I loves mine lots just like you.

I like doggies best on the web, they kinda scare me in person. Mine mombean loves them like crazy and always asks if she can pet them when she meets them when they are walking with their beans.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Happy NOMS Day! You have some very cute woofie friends. I love the picture of you and your mom.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Oh Praline, you is just bootiful!

and your NOMS frinds are furry cute... (mawmee made me say dat)

Tanks fur stoppin by... Weze gettin cooler now dat da sun iz goin down.

But dey say anuver hot day tomrrow, den its aposed ta cool down sum...

Mawmeez mostlee worreed bout Spunky, cause hes 19 and needs to stay cooler... he wobbled a bit today. If we haf anuve hot spell, sheze gonna puts him in at our Vetees. hes gotz all his shots and it would only be 12.50 a day fur him to stay cooler.

oh and weze gonna have a movin partee tomorrow ifns you wants to come! Bring some NOMS, too!

-Katie Too

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sometimes it's not about political correctness, sometimes it's instinctual...

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You have some wonderful woofie friends, Praline. :) All of the members of your human family look nice too. :)